You’re in! Watch the video below for all the information to maximize the Confident Marketing Masterclass

Yes! You just took the first step to learning the framework to confidently building your business, like a pro!

Please take the next 7 minutes to read and take action in the 4 Steps on this page so you can maximize your results. Print it out if you need to, because it’s important that you set yourself up for success.

Step 1: The Masterclass will be held in Zoom. All of the login information has been sent to you via email

Step 2: The Masterclass will be streamed on my Jennifer Kem Facebook Page so my coaching & consulting team can answer your questions in real time.

Step 3: Block out 120 minutes on October 28 at 3:00pm PT / 6:00pm ET.
The same way you wouldn’t double book yourself to write social media posts while on the line with a client, you need to treat this Masterclass like a client call. The training itself is 90-minutes but I strongly suggest you block an additional 30-minutes at the end to tie up any trains of thought or ideas sparked from the training material.

Please take a moment right now to block time out in your calendar & add the Zoom info.
If you want to have the information automatically added to your calendar, use this link.

Step 4: Reminders will be sent to your email.
You’re a busy human. At any time, a number of things will compete for your attention so it’s very easy to be distracted. To help remind you about this commitment you’ve made to your business, we can send you multiple reminders to participate in the Masterclass to grow your business.

You can also get SMS and/or Facebook messenger reminders from our chat concierge, Brandi. Use this link to get them.

Be sure to complete each of these 4 Steps so you’re set up for ultimate success in the Confident Marketing Masterclass.

I can’t wait to help you successfully market and sell your expertise online with unshakeable confidence.


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